Not to bring the tone down over here, but when my Nan passed away I got a bit of money left for me. Of course I didn't want to waste that money on make up at all, so I put a bit away for a holiday, bought a computer for uni but I wanted to get something a little bit more personal. One thing she bought me nearly every Christmas was a perfume, so the first thing I thought to get was an indulgent perfume to remind me of her. The Philosykos fragrance from Diptyque had been on my lust list for ages, so it seemed a bit of a no brainer.
Now this is definitely a bit of a marmite scent, I love it yet a couple of my friends certainly aren't too keen. It's a very, very mature scent - it's not sweet at all and is very... earthy? It's figgy but also has an air of summer holidays and foreign ventures about it. At first the scent is really strong, but after a while it dies down to a lovely gentle aroma that lingers on clothes and scarfs for days on end.
I love to pair this with the Escentric Molecules, Molecule 01 to give Philosykos a little kick up the back side and give it a little more of a woody smell. Also, an ode to the beautiful packaging! Without a doubt this is the most luxurious looking bottle on my dressing table, it's an absolute beaut.
Have you tried this? Do you know of any similar fragrances?
You can find Hayley Loves on TWITTER and BLOGLOVIN'