
Wednesday 24 July 2013


Leah Hutcheon is the founder of, a brand new site where you can book salons and spas online, 24/7. She was recently featured in the BBC documentary, The Entrepreneurs. Appointedd also features salon reviews and has a hair and beauty blog, It's a pleasure to have Leah on Hayley Loves, so lets find out what her Top Quick Fix Beauty Tips are!

We all want to look gorgeous but when we have a constant manic schedule at least five days a week, taking time to perfect your make-up and hair is sadly not always possible. However, coming into work resembling someone who just fell out of bed and on their way also fell backwards through several hedges is also not an option. Do not dismay! I have compiled a range of products and top tips to help make your beauty routine quick and easy and will still leave you looking flawless all day! 

Quick Beauty
Blotting Paper is a great beauty tool everyone should be aware of, especially for the summer months when your skin may get a little shinier than normal. Concentrate on the t-zone and simply press the paper onto the skin. It will do the same job as your powder but with half the fuss! Many brands, such as Anna Sui, are now doing their own blotting papers but you can find just as effective cheaper versions in
A Concealer Stick is a small but effective beauty product that you can throw into your bag in the morning and will quickly conceal any disasters you may have throughout the day. It can quickly refresh your look, to go from the office to the bar. A small amount under each eye will re-awaken your look after a tiring day at work. My favourite is YSL Touche Eclat Radiant  Touch by Yves Saint Laurent. It has been branded as a top beauty secret by top make-up artists and it is a must have beauty item, which can be applied easily and gives a flawless finish. 
Eyelash Curlers are a simple tool to have, especially if you don’t have the time to be touching up your mascara and eyeliner all day. Curling your eyelashes will instantly open up your face, make your eyes look bigger, give you long luscious eyelashes and will make you look more awake. If you want to give an extra boost to your curl, blast your curlers with a hairdryer for a few seconds so they are slightly heated. If you were gifted with naturally dark eyelashes you will never need to think about applying mascara in the morning again!
Tinted Moisturiser is a simple all in one beauty secret,  it will moisturise your skin, provide coverage and most will also include a SPF. It will be your daily morning skin routine in one tube! My favourite is Benefit You Rebel TintedMoisturiser, for me it really is the ultimate 3 in 1 tube of coverage, moisture and sun protection. 

Quick Hair
Dry Shampoo is always a great product to have in the cupboard, whether you slept in past your alarm and don’t have time to shower or your hair needs a bit of a boost after partying three days straight at a festival.  Many brands are doing there own versions which all vary in price, my favourite is still the original which made dry shampoo popular with many; Batiste Dry Shampoo 
     Quick Mermaid Hair. If you fancy having curly locks but don’t want to fuss about trying to curl your hair in the morning try a simple braid to sleep in the night before. The most effective way I have tried to create natural beachy waves is to separate the hair into pigtails,then separate the hair into three strands and twist each strand before creating a normal braid. This will create a loose wave look, rather than the tight crimped effect a normal braid can have on the hair. This works especially well if the hair is slightly wet when being styled. The same look can also be achieved by twisting your hair into small loose buns. To finish the look off, use Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray to help hold and enhance loose beachy curls.
Speed Blow Dry. If you like to wash your hair in the morning before you rush out the door but don’t have time to style and blow dry your hair, simply focus on the t-zone blow dry. Blow dry along your parting and your hairline, this will focus on styling the most important areas so it doesn’t look out of control. Consider sweeping the rest of your hair into a loose low bun to dry and add a bit of hairspray to tame any fly aways
Grab a doughnut. The quickest and most effective way to achieve the perfect up do is by using a doughnut. Simply create a ponytail and put the doughnut through the ponytail and then spread the hair around the doughnut securing with pins. I prefer mine to be slightly messier and less perfectly placed and so it appears as all my natural hair. You can pick up a doughnut very cheaply and they come in different sizes depending on how much of an impact you want to make with your up do!

I hope these time saving beauty and hair tips have been useful to you and allow you to happily press snooze on your alarm without any of the guilt later on in the day!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me on your blog Hayley, I really appreciate it! Leah x

  2. I hope these time saving beauty and hair tips have been useful to you and allow you to happily press snooze on your alarm without any of the guilt later on in the day for great in scholarship essay writing help


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