Monday, 15 October 2012

regina spektor

Firstly, I'm so sorry I've not been here in a very long time! It's been a very busy week with work and birthdays etc, so my blog had to take a back seat I'm afraid.

Lately, I've not listened to anything but the wonderful Regina Spektor! I'm aware she's been on the music scene for a number of years now with some of her bigger hits, such as 'Fidelity' and 'Samson', being released in 2006. She recently brought out her sixth album 'What we Saw from the Cheap Seats' which includes latest single 'Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)'.

Her voice is gorgeous, soft, with a beautiful tone. She slightly reminds me of Sia with the slightly breathy sound and 'different' pronunciation in some songs.

I definitely feel as though the indie-chick flick '500 Days of Summer' played a large part in her success. It features one of her most famous songs 'Us' and slightly lesser known 'Hero' (which is definitely a personal favourite of mine!). You can find a tracklist for the movie here.

I'm very much looking forward to getting her albums and looking around the internet for anymore hidden wonders!


  1. Us is such a beautiful song, I don't usually like any of the covers for it on youtube but theres one by janet devlin (from x factor) and it's so lovely. Ah i'm a new follower and I love your blog so much!


    1. It's definitely my favourite of her songs! Ooohh, I've not heard it, I'll give it a listen tomorrow :-).

      Aww thank you so much! It means a lot :):) xxxx


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