I never, ever do New Year resolutions, I'm so awful, I never stick to them (well, who does?).
I think it's time I started to stick to a proper routine and learn things I wouldn't try/think I was able to do. So have a look at my resolutions!
1. Take my make-up off at night.
I can be incredibly naughty, more often than not! I'm just sooooo lazy and I always think "my skin will be fine in the morning, I'll only be putting it back on" but lately I've been getting a couple of spots and I can't believe just how important it is to take my make up off and let my skin breathe whenever I have the chance.
2. Don't skimp on skincare.
I'm already well on my way to completing this resolution. I recently forked out a fair bit on Origins skincare products. I've never heard a bad thing about this company, so I've put my trust in them!
I usually just get Simple products, and it's usually just the same things, but I use so much of it and spend a mediocre amount that it would probably be more worthwhile to use better products that last a bit longer? I dunno, I'm just hoping that it does it's job - I've not been let down so far!
3. Try new make up looks.
I really want to give new make up a go. I find some eyeshadows I can't even go near, because for some reason, it just looks ridiculous with my eyebrows. WHY?! Please someone answer that for me.
A big look I want to try is dewy skin. I love the look, but I always tend to apply a fair amount of powder to try and cover up any nasty parts, so I just can't seem to get it. It's my Benefit make up session in a few weeks, so this will be a look I'll be asking for help with! This leads me nicely onto my next point
4. Get my foundation colour matched.
I always assume and go for the lightest shade of foundation because I think that is what I am, and I find it difficult to get used to anything else, but whenever I've gone to make up stands and a assistant has guided me to a product, they usually go for one that's a bit darker than I'd go for, then I'd panic and get a lighter shade. I HAVE to stop doing this! They're the experts, not me, I'm going to have to trust them and for once, look different.
5. Give my nails a break.
I admit it, I very often bite/peel my nail varnish off. How awful is that?! As a result, my nails are thin, brittle and have started peeling from the middle the to tip of my nail, if that makes sense? It's such a bad habit, I end up doing it when I get nervous. I think it's time I paid a little bit more attention to those, got some decent care for them and kicked the habit.
What are your resolutions? Feel free to shout at me for any of my bad habits, it'll definitely give me a kick in the right direction!
I really need to do 3 as well, good luck :) x