Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Special Hair Loss Shampoo.
Yes, you read that right. My hair falls out a lot more than is probably average, and yes it worries me, but I always thought that that was that and you just deal with it and move on. There is no miracle cure.

The lovely ladies at Mitonia approached me a little while back and asked me my haircare woes. I told them the typical "it's dry, but it gets greasy quickly. Well, really my hair actually falls out a lot" fully not expecting them to do anything about it.
When I got the package (I wish I got some photos for you, it came in such a nice box, all wrapped up) and I saw the Extreme Caviar Special Hair Loss Shampoo, I was all say whaaaat. My prayers have been answered. This is it. This is what I have waited for.

I cannot lie, I immediately jumped in the shower, eager to put my new shampoo to use. The instructions read to give it a lather then let it sit for 3-5 minutes, which is not something I've come across in a shampoo. Post-shower, my hair felt so smooth, I did still have a lot of hair come out whilst showering and brushing, but I couldn't expect miracles from the first wash. Over time, I have definitely noticed a difference when I use this shampoo consistently. I don't know how, or why, but there is definitely a difference in how much hair I notice I'm losing.

The Platinum and Diamonds Luxurious Serum is undoubtedly the best smoothing serum I've used. My hair quite easily goes frizzy if I don't use something, but it's also super easy for me to use a touch too much product and have to sport greasy locks for the rest of the day. This is just easy, it's fuss free and it keeps everything in check.

The products are pricey, but if you struggle like I do, then it's insanely worth the investment. I don't think that I will ever finish the serum because it's so big. The shampoo, I have washed my hair with so many times, and I am only half way through the bottle. So if it's something you're wanting to invest in, then do it.



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