
Thursday 21 February 2013

latest in beauty, complexion perfection kit

When I came across Latest in Beauty, I had no idea what it was. In fact, I don't even know how I found it. But I must have spent half an hour on the website thinking 'what an amazing idea! Why did I not know about this before?!'.

I got drawn to their collections and although I was trying not to spend anything, I just HAD to buy their Complexion Perfection kit, as it contained two products I was dying to try - the Pixi Sheer Cheek Gel and, of course, Benefit's They're Real mascara. Since the Pixi Cheek Gel was worth £12 on it's own, I felt it was more than justified that I should get it.

So this is what I received! I've not tried any of the products yet apart from the eyeshadow brush which I absolutely hated. It really made my eye lids sore, it was not soft at all. But nevermind, I can get over that!

You can see the swatches above, and just look at the lasting power of the Daniel Sandler Long Lasting Waterproof Eyeliner in Black Velvet. In the last picture, that was how the eyeliner looked after I wiped over the swatches with water and a flannel cloth. It didn't budge at all! I literally had to scrub it with a soap to remove it, and even then I was left with a bit of a mark and a sore arm! Amazing lasting power though. The Cheek Gel looks AMAZING. Exactly the colour I love. I had a bit of a play with this on the back of my hand and I loved that you could sort of choose how intense you wanted the colour. The more I rubbed it in, the paler it went until becoming transparent, yet if I lightly rubbed it in, I could get a more intense colour... I hope that makes sense! The Bella Pierre Shimmer Powder is incredibly scary. That colour is just.. bright and.. glitter. Not too sure how I feel about this. I think I might try mixing it in with a moisturiser or even a foundation just so it's not so in your face.

When I open the Inika Liquid Mineral Foundation and squeezed the tube, a massive amount of oil came out. I was like 'is this supposed to happen..'. I wiped it away though and out came the foundation. Still quite oily so this would be good for dry skin, steer clear if you're oily though! It looks like a nice colour match for me too. One massive no-no though was the scent. It was awful, incredibly artificial and floraly. I expect they tried to make the scent match the organic label, but who knows.

I'm really looking forward to trying these products. No doubt you'll see them in a What's on my Face, or maybe in their own reviews if I'm impressed, so keep an eye out!

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