
Thursday 21 February 2013

Makeup Academy Undress Your Skin Flawless Skin Primer

I'd recently ran out of my primers, and was stuck in a bit of a rut. I find high street primers to be really expensive, and for something that I'm not entirely sure works, it goes through me paying for it. But I feel like I've missed a step when I don't wear it.

I popped into my local Superdrug and Boots, and this was probably the cheapest, but nicest primer that I came across.
It cost me £5 which is definitely one of the most expensive items from the MUA range, but since it's newly released I'd imagine the price will come down gradually.

MUA Undress Your Skin Flawless Skin Primer is really, really nice. It reminds me of the Benefit PoreFessional primer in that it's really velvety and clears any oil away leaving a really smooth, matte and clear canvas for the rest of your face products and you barely use any of it, just half a pump is enough for me. The only obvious difference is the colour as this is a clear formula. I've heard quite a few bloggers dislike it as you can't see where you've applied the product, but I have no problem with this at all, you can quite clearly feel where you've applied it! Even though it removes any excess oil, it's not drying at all.

Lately I've had a few problems with my foundations and such as it just looked awful. No matter how I applied it or what I used or how I prepared my face, my makeup just seemed to sit and look cakey. When I wore this I didn't have a problem at all. I found myself using less foundation and and it left a really nice finish. It claims to be radiating, however I've not really noticed much of a difference with this, but I'm not too fussed about this, it's not the reason I got it.

What are your opinions? Have you tried the foundation? I was super curious about it!


  1. Oooh thanks for the review Hayley

    I've been looking for a cheapish primer since i ran out of my smashbox primer! I might give this a try :)

    XOXO Sade

    1. No problem, give it a try!! I like it more and more every day :) xxx

  2. I have never tried a primer...probably should now I am getti older!

    Be great if you could check my latest outfit post feat a camo jacket from Fashion Union.

    Thanks :) Charlie UK Fashion Blog | Lurch Hound Loves xx

    1. Go for it! I'm definitely converted haha :)
      Will do! xx

  3. Thank you for the brilliant review. I'm on my MUA shopping spree and was googling reviews of this. I have really oily skin and Porefessional works well for me, so this is great. Adding it to my cart now - thanks again :)
    My Beauty Junction

  4. Saying hi frm malaysia.. Great review.. Gonna add to my cart too... Do drop by my blog too..

  5. Lovely review, I'd definitely try this.

    The Bedside Dreams


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