
Wednesday 20 March 2013

guess who's back... back again.

You had to expect that as a title!?!

I'm baaackkk! I feel much better for having a few days off, touch wood, Louis is okay for now! Look at him, waving at the camera to you guys! I think I'm definitely back to feeling a bit better, my sister loves her lock screen..

I've got loads of posts in mind for you and fiiinally a job interview! I've been lusting for this job at Lush for ages, I know the products inside out, and I received an email on Saturday asking me to come for an interview (the day Louis fell ill, which made me feel guilty!) on Friday, so I've not had long to prepare. I need to take an item with me that describes me as a person. I want to somehow link my blog into it, as this is a huge part of my life, so if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Thank you SO much for your support and incredibly nice comments over these past few days. They've really cheered me up and given me a lot more motivation. There's worse things that can happen, right?!

I quite enjoying a few "personal"/lifestyle posts, what do you guys make of them? Want to read more?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Not long left and I'm getting very close to using the products myself! 

You can find Hayley Loves on BLOGLOVIN' and TWITTER


  1. Good luck with the interview! Sorry I'm no help, I'd be totally stumped if an interviewer asked me that

  2. Yeah, I am soo glad your back and that Louis is better! I love that picture of him waving at the screen!

    Good luck with your interview, hope it goes well. Let us know how you get on.

    Carrie x

    1. Aw thankyou! Haha, he's such a cutie :)

      I will do, thanks a lot! Xx


I really appreciate all comments left and take my time reading and replying to them all, thank you!