
Saturday 16 March 2013

sorry guys :(

I'm not gonna be posting for a while guys, might be a few days, might be a week. Received some pretty awful news today, my cat has taken a turn for the very worst and is really unwell. If anyone knows how much I love my Louis, you'll understand the effect this has had on me. I'm really sorry, I'll try and post soon but I can't promise anything.


  1. You scared me at the start of the sentence, I thought you were taking months off :( I'm so sorry about your cat, I have a little cat too, Tiger so I know how you feel! Don't apologise, you take time for yourself! I hope it works out okay for you and youve got lots of lovely support!

    A little bit Unique - Blog // Facebook // Bloglovin


    1. Sorry haha! I'm hoping to be back around the middle of the week, got some exciting things I want to tell you about happening on Monday and Tuesday!
      Yeah, it's awful isn't it! He's my baby :( But it's for the best whatever happens!
      Thank you so much! Really, really appreciate it :) xx

  2. I'm really sorry to hear this. My cats are a real part of the family so I can imagine how you feel. I hope he recovers well and take care of yourself! xo

    1. Yeah, he really is the life and soul! So do I! Thank you so much :) xx

  3. Oh no, I hope he recovers swiftly. It's horrible when pets get sick, take as much time for yourself as you need and be kind to yourself too! x

    1. Yeah, it's awful :( I've lost cats before, but Louis is my absolute babe :(.
      Thank you! :) I treated myself to a good home facial and manicure :) x

  4. Awww poor fella. Get well soon Louis!! xx

  5. Hi hun, I've only just gotten round to checking out your blog since you left me a link on twitter last week. I've just come on now and seen this post and I just wanted to send you my love and well wishes to little Louis. I'm a massive cat lady, too and I can only imagine what it feels like to have an unwell kitty.

    I hope everything turns out alright. :(

    Love Neeny xx

  6. Oh I really hope Louis will get better soon, I hate it when pets are poorly :(


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